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Forms of the Central University Administration

Please note: The forms are accessible within the computer network of Freie Universität Berlin.

Online Forms

The Personnel  Division of the central university administration of Freie Universität Berlin offers online forms in pdf format that can be completed using Acrobat Reader, Version 5.0 or newer. After completing the forms, you can print them and send them to the university’s central administration via the internal mail system. Sending electronic forms, with the exception of the form for vacancies, is not possible.


Your computer must be connected to the network of Freie Universität. In addition, the program Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat (for either one, at least version 5) must be installed on your computer. That should apply to almost all of the workplace computers currently in use. If this program is not installed on your computer, please contact your IT representative.

Saving Form Data Locally

To store form data locally on your computer and later reuse, the software package Adobe Acrobat Pro must be installed on your workstation computer. This is a different program than Acrobat Reader, which is available free of charge. Employees of Freie Universität Berlin can purchase the Acrobat package from the software allocation office of ZEDAT.

If the program is installed on your computer, you have the option to save the form data in a file that can later be loaded into the form. Acrobat calls this process exporting and importing form data. The data are stored in a file with the extension “*. fdf.”

Application Forms

Application Forms Business Travel
